Updating, Podcasts, and More
Reworking the site a bit. Particularly the Podcasts section. Please mind the dust, as the Technical Director and Master Carpenter start working on rebuilding. The Charge is applying some touch ups. Audio is working out the tracks, trying to get the ordering and the EQ just right. The Dramaturgs and Script Managers are getting the research done and working out the right edits.
I have let this page sit on its own for too long. Wednesday and Thursday this week should see some edits, refreshed links, and more. The Podcasts page has a new podcast: David Tennant Does a Podcast With… The Podcasts page is also getting a link rework for 9 different pod catchers, specifically acast, Google Podcasts, iTunes, libsyn, Player.FM, PodBean, SoundCloud, Spotify, and Stitcher. I think these are enough for people to get their podcast fix. You can always search for the ‘cast on your catcher of choice.
The plan, once the Podcasts page is cleaned up, is to go through the calendar, then the Networking pages, then the Find Work pages. A lot of work went into this, and it will be a lot of work to do some updating. This site has been going for over 2 years now. It’s time to give the information a once or twice over.
I hope this information continues to help you and future theatre and dance performers, technicians, designers, and other artists for many years to come. I know that times are lean right now in the industry, but they will bounce back. Theatre has been with us for thousands of years, and the show must go on…